Sunday, October 26, 2014

We're more than just web designers you know...!

A few days ago, I received a message asking about what services Austin Media Slingers offers. The Facebook message went on to say that they would have done business with us over a year ago, had they known that we weren't just web designers. That statement got me thinking. I wonder how many other businesses out there, have been wrongly pigeon holed in to the thought that they only offer one service? 

Maybe it's a bad thing, but we offer a variety of services all geared towards helping small businesses and musicians. Photography was how we got started, but we added services like graphic design, social media management, music production, newsletters, consulting, web design, web maintenance, guest blogging, website copy, etc. to the mix all as the need arose.

Is your business image defined correctly? Are you known for something that might not be your strongest attribute? What does your brand say to possible clients?

Getting the word out is harder than it once seemed. Our business cards, website, and social media platforms, all tell the public what we do, but is it enough? We advertised on Facebook, Twitter, Google, and in local publications and classifieds. We donate our time to help those without or those with little. We've helped sponsor events, co-sponsored events, given our services out for charity auctions. To the average Joe, we've done everything and beyond to get noticed, but again I ask, have we done enough?

We invest back in to our business. Web Design is the last thing I bring up when meeting with a client. Today, social media and photography are our most sold business products with web design coming somewhere between third or forth. The guy even stated that he'd had our business card since last year. That bugged me too. Do people just not read anymore?

I'm not mad, but needed answers. So... I turned to the last place most would and I asked my past clients. In a simple, short little email, I asked how they found us and what services they thought we offered. The good news is that most said we were social media managers and photographers, the bad news is that a few thought we only designed websites. Okay, so I expected a few to only think that since we built their website. Oh and on the question of how they found us, the majority said they spotted us online while almost all the others said they heard about us through mutual friends or past clients. Cool. I'm happy now.

I learned to never assume folks knew what we do and to always ask former clients if I needed answers. We even picked up some repeat business from some of the past clients we questioned. How cool was that?

If in doubt, always ask. Never assume it's you that's doing something wrong. And if people think you're something you're not, push the services you are offering.